There's a whole gang of them coming from my hoop workshops. They've been supporters of my business for almost 3 years now. I appreciate every single one of them! But I'd like to mention a couple names that just warm my heart! The Wine-o Hooper's are... Shannon, Jenna, Martie, and Michelle.
I get talked to A LOT about how many times I use the word "best friend." And to tell you the truth I'm darn sick of being told that b/c I use the word so many times it detracts from the meaning... Well, get over it or get "more" best friends :)
Some of my BEST FRIENDS are...

I met this crazy, sweet angel after I dated the most awful person on earth. And after looking back I couldn't be more thankful for meeting he who shall not be named. For if I never met him, I would have never met Bethany. Bethany is my little hoop minion and festival partner. If you have not gone to a festival with her... your jealous, because she is the most fun person to play with ever. She's a little bunny, hops around with the most amazing energy and smile. Her positive being is contagious and even if you don't want to be friends with her you'll end up falling madly in love.



Huyen was there for me during the worst moment of my life and I will forever be grateful to her saving my soul. I have so many happy memories with this woman. And look forward to many more in 2011.

My Sisters. Elizabeth and Erika.

Amanda Hoagland. My heart sings every time I get to hug this one. We met working at UCSB. She didn't like me at first b/c I was too pretty... SEE!! But I made her be friends with me :) I'm not sure if I was the influence but now she's quit UCSB and is a nomad hooping around town and taking road trips with me ;)

Amanda is beautiful, strong, always happy. When you give her advice she can view from all perspectives and really listen. No matter what is going on in her world she will be by your side in a flash. She also likes long candle lit bubble baths and Zicam nose sticks.
Emma is my roommate. HOT!! I know right?! We have a saying in the Castillo home... "Emma does it better." It's true!!! This is what normally happens, KiT: "hey Emma, I made this really cool leather thing.." Emma: "Oh, awesome! This is what I made." Insert most amazing leather, hoodie, thing that attaches down at this other thing with this lace skirt.....

She always does this. At least I have cooking.... HA!
Emma being in her early 20's is very mature for her age. I love her with all my heart. She's very talented and such a mentor in the crafting world.
I thought Huyen was the sweetest woman in the world... But I think Amber and Huyen are neck and neck!! I met Amber in Gymnastics. The girl can flip around faster then a kangeroo. Do Kangeroo's even jump around? You get the point.
Amber has horses and she takes me riding. It's amazing to watch her control these beautiful animals. Amber has so much patience and beauty, I'm so lucky to have a friend like her in my life. She also bakes the best damn chocolate chip cookies in the world. Family is very important to her. She has *many* beautiful qualities.

Amber has horses and she takes me riding. It's amazing to watch her control these beautiful animals. Amber has so much patience and beauty, I'm so lucky to have a friend like her in my life. She also bakes the best damn chocolate chip cookies in the world. Family is very important to her. She has *many* beautiful qualities.
Jamie. Aka Hoopalotta


Amanda Inks. Now Cowie :)
I've known Amanda since I first moved to Cali. I was 12. On and off these 16 years... damn that's a long time... we've been there for one another. I've watched her two girls grow up and was even at her wedding. I wish I saw more of her. Amanda is *very* strong. Sometimes I think that's an understatement. I know what this woman has gone through with raising her children and in past relationships. I admire her love for her family. She's a wonderful mother.

Amanda, Ali, and Julie.
So I've also known these girls since I was 12. Ali and I have been best friends since the day we met. And even if we lose touch we still pop up to be there for one another. Through out these years we all have seen one fall and we are always there to pick each other back up. Never catty, and the friendship is always pure, these girls are oldies but goodies.

Anah. AKA Hoopalicious
Every time I see a picture of Anah I think of the very first moment I saw her. A total famous hoop star on youtube I desired to be her. She has this energetic pull that makes you HAVE to be around her. Seriously, I'll do whatever she tells me, I'm completely infatuated with her being. Weird... now I sound like one of those stalker types... I mean, I totally admit that I did stalk her in the beginning, but I never dreamed we'd become this good of friends. She's an amazing teacher and mentor. Anyone is very lucky to have her grace, understanding, passion and friendship in their life.


April is a newbie best friend. I hang out with her a lot and our days consist of her kicking my ass on the pole and crafting. Well... she does mostly the crafting these days :) My new personal stylist, she makes the sickest leg flairs for performance! She runs a pole dance studio in Ventura. She's SO much fun and I love her. If you're in Ventura look her up!!
**I have SO many epic women in my life. These were a few that I just had to mention. Every time I see them my life is magnified with this kind of vagina power. It's amazing. I wouldn't be here or be the person I am today with out these women in my life. I thank you all, for staying or weaving in and out of my 28 years of life. You all mean so much to me.
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